• Download the Linux Flash Player 11.1 Plugin content debugger (TAR.GZ, 6.86MB)
  • Download the Linux Flash Player 11.1 Projector content debugger (TAR.GZ, 5.69MB)
  • Download the Linux Flash Player 11.1 Projector (TAR.GZ, 5.29MB)

PlayerGlobal (.swc)

  • Download the playerglobal.swc to target the 11.1 APIs (.swc, .329KB)

All the links given above are full offline installer setups. So you can easily download once and install many times without downloading Flash Player again and again. Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will have automatic silent updates capability which means that you will not have to update Flash Player again manually. Just set it and forget it. So lets wait for the next stable release of Flash Player.

Update:Adobe Flash Player 11.5 has arrived. Please update.

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Active1 year, 10 months ago
Adobe flash player update offline download
I can't find Flash Player download link which will give me the full EXE/MSI file, not the tiny downloader which downloads data from the internet.
What's the proper download site for this?
3,5672 gold badges22 silver badges31 bronze badges

7 Answers

Edit 2017:The installers are now at http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/distribution5.html
Edit 2016:
It seems that the link below does no longer give access to offline installers :(
original answer:

Download Adobe Flash Player 16 / 13 / 11.2 full offline standalone installers (MSI/EXE) for Internet Explorer / other browsers:

I've contacted Adobe because I was completely unable to install Flash with the 900kb installer-downloaders which always flood me with strange errors (and delete themselves from the run location! so you can't launch the installer-downloader after failure, have to re-download it), and they sent me this link.
3,5672 gold badges22 silver badges31 bronze badges
For a long time, I've been taking the offline installers from this page: Installation problems for Windows 7 and older (already mentioned in a comment by Fronker).
The links are always up-to-date, and it lets me get all plugin architectures (as of today ActiveX,NPAPI andPPAPI).The links are near the bottom, under the Still having problems? heading.
The above instructions are for Windows, but the same approach works for Mac OS X. Here's the Adobe help page with the offline installer links at the bottom: Installation Problems – Mac. This Adobe help forum page is also helpful: How to perform a 'clean install' of Flash Player in Mac OS X.
Gras DoubleGras Double
Adobe has decommissioned the Distribution page, but here's another method that still works for now:
On the standard installation page https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ the 'Install Now' button links to the download page https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/download/?installer=..., you should append &standalone=1 to the end, then it'll let you download the normal standalone offline installer.
P.S. Don't forget to disable 'Optional offer' before copying the link.
If you download the flash player cab file for Microsoft System Center/SCCM, extract the xml file from the it, then you'll see the msi file listed in the xml file. There's a link for the activex installer and also the Mozilla/firefox/netscape plugin.
Justin GoldbergJustin Goldberg
3341 gold badge4 silver badges14 bronze badges
Sorry for bad English...
Most old answers doesn't work in 2016. So...
Here are direct download links to Adobe Flash PlayerOffline Installer for Windows (flash version, from 2016-12-20):
NPAPI (Firefox): https://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
PPAPI (Opera/Chromium): https://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
ActiveX (InternetExplorer): https://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
Uninstaller: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/support/uninstall_flash_player.exe
An a StudentAn a Student

Adobe Reader Download

@GrasDouble provides the link to the page where you can find the installers.
Here are direct links from there to save you a click:
Flash Player for Internet Explorer - ActiveX
Flash Player for Firefox - NPAPI
Flash Player for Opera and Chromium-based browsers - PPAPI
I tried the link provided by jakub.g––http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/distribution5.html. Though I logged in with my 'trial' account, I got No Adobe Flash Player distribution license found for this user. Please apply by visiting http://www.adobe.com/products/players/flash-player-distribution.html. They require all kinds of information to get an account.
Oddly enough, on the normal distribution site––https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/, there is a link at the bottom––Archived Flash Player versions: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html, that actually has the full installers for up to the current version. The downloaded archive had every installer for every platform. I installed the one for OS X from the command line. sudo installer -verboseR -dumplog -pkg 'Install Adobe Flash Player.pkg' -target /. Much faster and more reliable than the GUI.

Adobe Flash Player Offline Download For Firefox


Adobe Flash Player Activex Download Offline

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